
purpose in life

Did you know the cemetery is the richest place on earth? This is because at the cemetery there lie dreams and ambitions never accomplished. Most of us as small children, have a lot of dreams and ambitions. We believe we can do everything that we set our heart on. As we become older our dreams begin to shrink as we embrace “reality” and try to rationalize every aspect of our dreams. By the time we are in our teens our dreams have been aborted and we settle for less. We become comfortable, we lose our purpose and we die with our dreams deeply buried in the closets of our brains.

We can reverse the above tragedy by first and foremost, understanding that each of us represents a unique brand that deserves to be known, felt and tasted in our generation. Each one of us is meant to be a change maker in the world we live in in our own unique way and thus aborting our dream is relinquishing a gem stone which the world needs, for its growth and development..Your ‪#‎purpose‬ in life can affect how you will be remembered; it’s an opportunity to leave your mark on the world. Ask yourself how you can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

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